The first step of the process begins when you contact with us. A Stone World Designs representatives will guide your through our process, starting with the consultation.
The consultation consists of gathering information about the your project such as:
The representative will answer any questions you have, and he/she will give suggestions about the project, along with explanations. Part of this step is to make the you aware of the other processes that may be included with the project such as edging treatments, sinks, fixtures, and the backsplash. Any or all of these may be required to meet the design goals.
Choosing Your Material
The second step of the process is picking out the stone from our distributors. Every project is unique and requires you to choose the perfect stone for the project. Our showroom has many samples of materials including Quartz, Granite, Marble, Onyx, and Soapstone. Our distributors have hundreds of slabs available for you to choose from so that you know exactly what your rock surface will look like and the characteristics that are found with your stone. A representative will walk you through the process insuring that you choose the perfect stone for your project.
On Location: Measurements & Templates
The third step of the process involves a Stone World Designs representative meeting with you at the location of the project. The purpose of the visit is to take measurements and make templates for use during the fabrication stage of the process.
Templates insure that all stone materials are cut to an exact fit for your project. Sink and fixture locations will be measured and marked on the template allowing for accurate placement. We use the highest available technology to measure and template. We use a laser product to digitally template and the highest fabrication machinery to fabricate and polish with our CNC.
Step four of our process is the fabrication stage. Templates created by our representative, and the stone that you have hand picked will be delivered to the fabrication shop located here at Stone World Designs. Our skilled fabricators will begin the process of cutting the stone to the dimensions of the templates.
We have 2 different machines to cut and the CNC machine to fabricate your countertops insuring the tightes tolerances.
The final step is to install your countertops, backsplashes and anything else that may be included with your custom project. Most countertop installations will be completed in one day, but it does depend upon the size of the project. This includes any demolition needed for remodels. The Stone World Designs installation crew understands that this stage is critical to completing the final look. Our experienced installers pay special attention to all the small details ensuring the highest quality installation of your countertops and stone surfaces.